Year / 2013
Crash de San Francisco: une chaine de télévision attaquée par la compagnie aérienne
En direct sur KTVU, une chaine de télévision américaine, une présentatrice croit citer les noms des pilotes mis en cause dans le crash du Boeing 777 d’Asiana Airlines il y a dix…
Discussion on real-time ethics
"Should a newsroom control what reporters are tweeting from their personal accounts? Should factually incorrect posts or tweets be deleted? How do you ensure the content from social media is original and…
37e Avenue: aborder l’information de façon créative
Internet regorge aujourd’hui de toutes sortes de données et le phénomène va en s’amplifiant de manière exponentielle. Une mine d’or pour qui sait les trouver, les récupérer, les nettoyer, les explorer et…
Two Sun editors leave their newspapers amidst massive Sun Media cuts
The editor of the Winnipeg Sun left the paper within hours of Sun Media announcing massive cuts and just a day after the editor of the Toronto Sun stepped down.
Kevin Newman to launch new newscast on CTV News Channel this fall
CTV's Kevin Newman will be leaving Question Period to launch Kevin Newman Live on CTV News Channel this fall. CTV's Ottawa bureau chief Robert Fife will take over as host of Question…
How the business-to-business media landscape can thrive in the future
Some interesting ideas came out of the Business Media Leadership Summit held earlier this year — a brainstorming session for the business-to-business (B2B) magazine industry. Among other things, the discussion identified key…
Global Toronto names Beatrice Politi as its new managing editor
Global Toronto has named Beatrice Politi as its new managing editor effective immediately.
Canadian Media Guild seeks a staff rep for Western Canada
The Canadian Media Guild has an exciting opportunity for the right candidate to make a difference in both the union and media worlds. We are seeking an energetic and self-motivated Staff Representative…
Working together helps us all punch above our weight for freelancers in danger
The Forum Freelance Fund, launched two years ago by the Canadian Journalism Forum on Violence and Trauma, was able to double the number of safety training bursaries it awarded last year, thanks…
How drones have been used in journalism and the potential for future use
In April of 2013, Alexandra Gibb defended a master’s thesis for the Graduate School of Journalism at UBC on a particularly timely topic — the use of drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles,…