Book Review: Manipulating the message

Book cover: Manipulating the Message How Powerful Forces Shape the News Cecil rosner

Media are under attack not just financially by tech giants, but also politically. Donald Trump, who Cecil Rosner writes about in Manipulating the Message, wrote on Twitter (currently X) in 2017 that the news media “is the enemy of the American people.” That’s a dangerous message because democracy depends on an independent, strong press, but as the media shrinks, the ability to manipulate the public grows. Rosner, a journalist for more than 45 years, tackles all the above in his new book, which should be required reading for all journalists and aspiring journalists, but also for the public, who need to consciously develop their media literacy.

Read the full article in the latest issue of Facts and Frictions here.

Facts and Frictions is published by J-Schools Canada/Écoles-J Canada, Canada’s national association for post-secondary journalism research and education. All content is open access and available via J-Source.

By Tracy Sherlock

Tracy Sherlock is a freelance journalist and journalism instructor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia. She is the editorial lead for Spotlight: Child Welfare.