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    Journaliste: un métier à réinventer

    – Journalistes en équilibre instable | Jean-François Dumont– «Les journalistes doivent apprendre à dialoguer avec leur public» | La rencontre de Stéphane Renard avec Alain Gerlache– A-t-on vraiment «la presse qu’on mérite»?…

  • J-Source

    Un record de précipitations… et de couverture médiatique!

    Martin Croteau, La Presse | Est-ce un signe de l’exaspération des Québecois à l’égard de l’hiver, ou le reflet de réels problèmes administratifs? Pendant que la neige continue de s’accumuler à un…

  • J-Source

    Ne signez pas le contrat de publication de lhebdomadaire ICI !

    Jean-Sébastien Marsan, l’ | L’hebdomadaire culturel montréalais ICI somme ses collaborateurs pigistes de signer, avant le 20 mars, un contrat de publication. Après avoir pris connaissance de ce contrat, l’Association des journalistes…

  • J-Source

    Wii rules

    “Occasionally, despite their aim to represent objective journalism, newspapers have to assert an ethical position on divisive issues. The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Weymouth, recently instituted the inalienable right to extreme procrastination…

  • J-Source

    NADbank numbers offer hope

    Three quarters of adult Canadians read a daily newspaper at least once a week, according to the latest readership survey.  The NADbank report released in early March had some encouraging news. Newspaper…

  • J-Source

    Albuquerque’s farewell

    The Albuquerque Tribune published for the last time on Saturday, Feb. 22.  Newspaper staff learned last summer that E.W. Scripps Co. would close the daily if it could not find a buyer.…

  • J-Source

    Double digit declines in advertising

    Newspaper advertising revenue dropped 11 per cent in January, compared to the year before, marking the worst performance since 2001.  At least one analyst was optimist after reading the numbers, Editor and…

  • J-Source

    UK study shows free model may be best

    Two regional UK newspapers took different approaches to stem drastically falling circulation, reports Philip M. Stone. In a study published in, Stone tracks the efforts of the Manchester Evening News and…

  • J-Source

    Why I Write: Stanley Fish explains

    “Every once in a while I feel that it might be helpful to readers if I explained what it is I am trying to do in these columns,” wrote Stanley Fish in…

  • J-Source

    Post appeals ruling that curbs source protection

    NewsOntario’s highest court has overturned a ruling — the first of its kind in Canada — that granted a journalist the right to protect a confidential source. The Feb. 29, 2008 judgment…