Year / 2013
La Presse se sépare de 9 surnuméraires
Le quotidien de la rue Saint-Jacques a mis fin aux contrats de huit surnuméraires la semaine dernière, un neuvième ayant démissionné de lui-même. Des coupures qui ne seraient pas imputables à un…
Crowdfunding platform Vourno expands to Canada
If you want to raise money for a video journalism project, you could look to crowdsourcing platforms such as Indiegogo or Kickstarter, or, the newest platform: Vourno. It allows journalists to raise…
Gary Mason’s influence in the sport of politics
Gary Mason's articles have helped to prevent mayoral candidates from getting elected, exposed controversial deals with the provincial government and uncovered secret negotiations. Cara McKenna examined The Globe and Mail's Western Canada…
Write up to women, not down: A response to a study that shows women don’t care about ‘current affairs’
Here's a theory that could help newspapers win their most lucrative ad audience back: Perhaps editors should pay more attention to studies of what women actually do instead of relying on what…
Picture Change exhibit features 100 of the best photos from Canada’s top photographers
With an invitation to over 100 top Canadian photographers, a collection of the most meaningful photos in each photographer’s portfolio has become a body of work highlighting the way that photography can make…
En attendant George Alexander Louis…
Selon l’analyse quotidienne d’Influence Communication, la naissance de George Alexander Louis de Cambridge, futur roi d’Angleterre, a été la nouvelle la plus rapportée dans le monde et au Canada ces derniers jours.…
OPINION: Closure of community newspapers represents a darker and more serious trend
On the surface, the closure of eight weekly community newspapers is cause for concern for those interested in serving rural Canada; but under further scrutiny, it appears the residents of these areas…
L’ombre de la langue: regards sur la couverture du Québec dans les médias canadiens
Pauline Marois n’avait pas même encore été investie en tant que Première ministre du Québec, que déjà, la polémique débutait: le dessein de faire du français la langue prédominante allait forcément réduire…
Newsana is looking for community interns for the fall term (unpaid)
Newsana – a leading news/community startup – is looking for two rock star interns to help us redefine the news industry. Newsana is where people come to find the ideas that make…
CBC and Radio-Canada won’t air TV commercial criticizing federal influence on public broadcaster
The CBC and Radio-Canada won't air a TV commercial attacking the federal government's influence on the public broadcaster. Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, an independent Canadian media watchdog, launched a campaign Monday aiming…