Year / 2013
OPINION: Seeing calls for suppression of Rolling Stone cover ‘should make any journalist queasy’
By now the media circus headlined by Rolling Stone’s Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cover has decamped for London, trailed by a cloud of intemperate tweets. But before Baby Windsor became the new celeb, everyone,…
Are journalists keeping up with real-time journalism?
Panelists will discuss how they led the charge on educating staff and seeking out those with the latest skills. Guests are Steve Buttry (Digital First Media), Shauna Rempel (Toronto Star) and Teryl…
Remembering Linda Lewis
As a magazine editor, Linda Lewis had to know what her readers wanted to read. But her brilliance was knowing “what her writers could pull out of themselves, even more than we…
Marie-Ève Bédard, correspondante de Radio-Canada au Moyen-Orient
Après plus de vingt ans d’absence, Radio-Canada rouvre son bureau au Moyen-Orient et c’est Marie-Ève Bédard qui en aura les clés. La journaliste et réalisatrice devient à compter de la rentrée, correspondante…
Enrolment in journalism programs increasing in a challenging media landscape
Journalism jobs are constantly disappearing — as seen in Sun Media's announcement of 360 job cuts this week — but enrolment in journalism programs is still rising. That's one of the takeways from a…
Tributes stream in for Gina Mallet
Former Toronto Star theatre and National Post restaurant critic Gina Mallet died July 18 at age 75, after being diagnosed with bile duct cancer. Mallet was not afraid to express her opinion…
Projet J/J-Source lance un appel aux dons
L’Université Carleton (Ottawa), qui prendra en charge à partir de janvier 2014 le volet opérationnel des sites Projet J et J-Source, lance une initiative de crowndfunding via L’objectif: dénicher les 25…
Des bourses pour aider les pigistes en zone à risques
D’après Reporters sans frontières, 135 reporters et journalistes citoyens sont morts l’an denier dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions. Un nombre record, et parmi eux, une proportion grandissante de pigistes. Pour remédier à…
Kim Fox joins ScribbleLive as content director for Scribble Market
Kim Fox has joined liveblogging platform ScribbleLive as content director for Scribble Market, a digital marketplace for real-time content. She left Newsana after a year as its chief community officer.
Lac-Mégantic: aux frontières de la zone rouge
Mardi 16 juillet. Je suis du convoi médiatique à pénétrer en zone jaune. En ouvrant cette porte de l’autre côté des barricades, la Sûreté du Québec souhaite que les journalistes puissent s’imprégner…