Year / 2013
«Je ne reviendrai pas en tant que journaliste»
Philippe Schnobb se lance aux côtés de Denis Coderre dans la course à la mairie de Montréal. En congé sans solde durant toute la campagne, la convention collective de Radio-Canada prévoit qu’il…
Live Blog: Worldviews 2013 Global Trends In Media And Higher Education
"How do media cover higher education issues – locally and around the globe? How does coverage shape public perceptions? Does the academy look in media’s mirror to see itself? Can the academy…
Les ex-TQS bientôt indemnisés?
Réunis en assemblée générale samedi, les anciens employés de TQS ont entériné les termes d’une entente potentielle avec les propriétaires de la chaine devenue V Télé. La fin d’un combat de presque…
Bruce Gillespie appointed as editor-in-chief of J-Source as of August 1
Nearly two months after the job posting went up, the J-Source transition team has announced that Bruce Gillespie, assistant journalism professor at Wilfrid Laurier University, will take over as editor-in-chief effective August…
Sun Media shuts down 134-year-old paper Midland Free Press
Midland Free Press has been shut down effective as of this week. Everything in the office was being packed up yesterday, and the last issue will be published June 20.
OPINION: How the Canadian media missed the real Northern Gateway story
As the final round of the Joint Review Panel hearings into Enbridge's proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline project began this week, one local journalist has problems with the coverage of the issue. Robin…
The top 10 obituary myths
As an obituary writer I have come to accept that most people recoil when they hear what I do for a living, as though I have something catching. I have become accustomed…
Q&A with Barrie Advance editor on deciding to publish PMO-Trudeau leak
Journalists usually know that when they get a brown envelope with a big scoop, the source remains a secret. But the identity of who leaked information to the Barrie Advance was too…
Bienvenue dans l’ère du journalisme de données
Le premier hack journalisme s’est tenu à Montréal la fin de semaine dernière. Deux jours pour se familiariser avec le journalisme de données et réaliser son premier projet du genre.
Postmedia and Ottawa Citizen stories on “Robocalls” win Michener Award
Canada's top journalism prize was awarded tonight to Postmedia News and the Ottawa Citizen for what the jury for the Michener award called "the detailed and sustained reporting (that) exposed the use…