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Keeping a sane distance: trauma, tragedy, and the reporter
Ethan Baron, | I had a dream about Willie Pickton the night after he was sentenced to life in prison. I’d already had nightmares after gruesome days in court, but this…
Editorial and Cyberspace conference: helping to engage your community
An interesting article about a panel during a recent conference on editorial writing and community engagement. “Then the Internet arrived, and the civic discourse shifted, as readers turned to local discussion boards,…
National Post ruling
Watcha gonna do when they come for your documents? Police and the courts have more power over reporters than some of us realize, argues Jay Somerset in the Ryerson Review. Indeed, on…
Two tools for your newspaper site: Yahoo! Pipes and Wufoo
Two new tools for the newsroom that sound like they will save time and resources for important functions on a news website. “Journalist and blogger Howard Owens examines two free online tools…
10 trends that have transformed journalism
In a 1,200-word “blogger’s cut” of his 800-word UK Press Gazette piece, Paul Bradshaw identifies ten key trends in journalism in the past decade. Notice the importance of “hyper-local” or community news. Kelly Vendeland…
Quebecois weekly honored for redesign efforts by Society for News Design
“Quebecois weekly business newspaper Les Affaires has been honored with an “Award of Excellence” in the “Redesign” category in the Society for News Design‘s 2008 competition….”
Naomi Klein : Nous entrons dans un nouvel âge sombre de la démocratie
Jade Lindgaard, | … Par ailleurs, il est difficile de savoir ce qu’on entend par « journalisme » aux Etats-Unis. Le Washington Post a révélé l’existence des prisons secrètes de la…
Médias interdits au Jeux de la… communication
Brigitte Trahan, Le Nouvelliste (Trois-Rivières) | La chose est certes ironique. Aucun média ne sera admis aux Jeux de la communication qui se dérouleront tout au long de la semaine du 5…
Appeal court got it right; press freedom not absolute
In a March 4 opinion piece featured on the Globe and Mail website, Ryerson journalism professor John Miller argues the Ontario Court of Appeal made the right decision last week in ordering…
Le 400e génère la nouvelle
Journal de Québec | Le 400e de Québec est devenu la troisième nouvelle canadienne la plus importante dans les médias du monde entier, constate Influence Communication, derrière l’implication en Afghanistan et la…