Category / Read / International / Innovation
Indiegraf expands to the U.S. with next news challenge cohort
Canadian independent journalism incubator wants to help entrepreneurs reduce local news gaps on both sides of the border Continue Reading Indiegraf expands to the U.S. with next news challenge cohort
What COVID-19 teaches us about the divide between mainstream and multilingual media
A five-part research series by New Canadian Media unpacks the impacts of ethnic media’s pandemic coverage for multilingual communities. Here’s how we did it Continue Reading What COVID-19 teaches us about the divide between mainstream and multilingual media
Self-care for media workers facing layoffs
We asked psychologists, a lawyer and a career coach to share their self-care tips for coping with job loss and navigating next steps Continue Reading Self-care for media workers facing layoffs
A year of mapping media impacts of the pandemic in Canada: COVID-19 Media Impact Map for Canada update, March 11, 2021
We tracked the layoffs, wage cuts, service reductions and closures since last year. Here’s what we know, what we don’t and what could come next Continue Reading A year of mapping media impacts of the pandemic in Canada: COVID-19 Media Impact Map for Canada update, March 11, 2021
Survey: recent journalism grads working at weekly newspapers hit hardest by pandemic
New journalists find communities engaged with COVID-19 news, but important stories unrelated to pandemic going uncovered Continue Reading Survey: recent journalism grads working at weekly newspapers hit hardest by pandemic
Levelling the playing field in Canadian sports media
I can still count the number of racialized women in sports journalism on the fingers of one hand. I hope not for long Continue Reading Levelling the playing field in Canadian sports media
HuffPost Canada staff file for union certification
‘Our editorial mandate at HuffPost, shared by our new bosses at BuzzFeed, is focused on equity and fairness. We want these values to be reflected in the way our newsroom functions’ Continue Reading HuffPost Canada staff file for union certification
Online magazine brings African culture, ideas to young audience
The founders of TRAD come from different cultural backgrounds. But they have in common a desire to explore African and Caribbean culture and traditions Continue Reading Online magazine brings African culture, ideas to young audience
CBC/Radio-Canada and the upheaval of the media landscape
At the CRTC hearings, the fundamental issues did not get addressed. What we need urgently is to rethink CBC/Radio-Canada’s mandate in the digital age Continue Reading CBC/Radio-Canada and the upheaval of the media landscape
CABJ and CJOC on calls to action, one year later
Nadia Stewart and Anita Li discuss the path to anti-racism in Canadian journalism, what’s changed and what the future holds Continue Reading CABJ and CJOC on calls to action, one year later