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Journalists rejoice as Arkells try to boost local news subscriptions
The Ontario band’s T-shirt-based news offer had media makers singing their praises Continue Reading Journalists rejoice as Arkells try to boost local news subscriptions
Les journalistes réfugiés combattent le blackout des informations au Burundi avec des radios pirates
Depuis l’été 2015, les burundais vivent dans un climat de pénurie d’informations dû à un conflit civil. Des journalistes en exil, armés des téléphones intelligents, essaient de combler le vide. Continue Reading Les journalistes réfugiés combattent le blackout des informations au Burundi avec des radios pirates
Tech trends that could change news media in 2020
From 5G to 3D, 360 video, here are some exciting tech developments rife with potential for news content producers Continue Reading Tech trends that could change news media in 2020
Media on the move: Jan. 29
Here’s our regular update on the moves, hires and promotions in Canadian journalism. Want your job move, hire or promotion featured? Tweet it to us or use the hashtag #cdnmediamoves Continue Reading Media on the move: Jan. 29
Canadian Media Diversity: Calls to Action
CABJ and CJOC on how to improve media representation and inclusion, now Continue Reading Canadian Media Diversity: Calls to Action
Refugee pirate radio tracks forgotten Burundi conflict
Since the summer of 2015, journalists in exile are attracting growing WhatsApp audiences at home Continue Reading Refugee pirate radio tracks forgotten Burundi conflict
Why are j-school students saying no to reporting careers?
Journalism students have very different ideas about what a reporting career means to them. But it’s the ones who value journalism’s role in democracy that stay the course Continue Reading Why are j-school students saying no to reporting careers?
Call for participants: New research project aims to understand the working lives of Toronto’s millennial freelancers
Home/work: Understanding work-at-home freelancing in Toronto is a new research project led by Nancy Worth, assistant professor in geography and environmental management at the University of Waterloo Continue Reading Call for participants: New research project aims to understand the working lives of Toronto’s millennial freelancers
Local news outlets can fill the media trust gap – but the public needs to pony up
The appetite for smart local news is there. The challenge is figuring out how to make it profitable Continue Reading Local news outlets can fill the media trust gap – but the public needs to pony up
The Institute for Investigative journalism is hiring
Applications for the full-time investigative producer/editor position are due Jan. 30 Continue Reading The Institute for Investigative journalism is hiring