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    Entretien exclusif sur le reportage de guerre

    Ferdinand Mayega, Trois-Rivières | Le reporter est un journaliste acteur de l’histoire immédiate. Mais, le reportage de guerre demande de nombreuses contraintes, une dose de courage parce qu’il représente un risque certain…

  • J-Source

    Elmasry, Islamophobia and freedom of expression

    Mohamed Elmasry, national president of the Canadian Islamic Congress, has issued an odious news release regarding Maclean’s that, in my opinion, reeks of ignorance, clobbers different points of view, and is offensive…

  • J-Source

    Val Ross: 1950-2008

    Val Ross was the sort of editor, and reporter, who embodied a rare mix of kindness, integrity and no-nonsense professionalism that was impressive and inspiring. The journalist and acclaimed author died Sunday…

  • J-Source

    Le journalisme scientifique : état de situation

    Désirée-Emmanuelle Duchaine, étudiante, Université Laval | À l’heure où la terre tourne au rythme des grands bouleversements de toutes sortes et de l’évolution des technologies qui changent constamment nos vies, la compréhension…

  • J-Source

    Le stage en journalisme de La Presse | Chaque année, la rédaction de La Presse organise un stage de 10 semaines, de juin à août, et recrute de jeunes journalistes par le biais d’un concours. Si vous souhaitez…

  • J-Source

    Arab League media restrictions

    The Arab League is under criticism for a new charter aimed at stopping Arab satellite channels from offending governments in the region. League members overwhelming approved regulations to allow member states to…

  • J-Source

    Muslim activist withdraws human rights complaint

    Finally, a breath of fresh air amid the histrionics. Maybe. Syed Soharwardy, founder of the Calgary-based Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and founder of Muslims Against Terrorism, has concluded that his complaint…

  • J-Source

    Metro goes coast to coast

    Canada’s latest free newspaper hit the streets of Halifax February 14, two days after Transcontinental Media shut down the Halifax Daily News. The debut issue of Metro Halifax mirrored an editorial format…

  • J-Source

    International Newspaper Marketing Association

  • J-Source

    World Association of Newspapers

    Shaping the Future of Newspapers is an electronic newsletter created by the World Association of Newspapers