Category / Education
J-Source Chats
Industry experts offer journalism students advice on everything from social media to job interviews.
Journalism teachers: attribution is vital for course slides, too
This is a cautionary tale about how my course slides, meant for student eyes only, can end up for sale online.
Live Q&A: Resume Bootcamp with Julie Carl and Kim Fox
Join us as we talk with Julie Carl of the Toronto Star and Kim Fox of CBS about journalist resumes and portfolios, as well as interview tips and how to get that…
The CUP crisis, one year later
A year after laying off 12 staff and nearly shutting down due to financial pressures, the student press organization is mostly back on its feet—but still has a few challenges to tackle.
Ryerson Review of Journalism examines its options for the future
The RRJ is launching a fundraising campaign to help finance its yearly print edition. In the meantime, the Ryerson School of Journalism will discuss what the future of that print edition might…
Centre for Free Expression coming to Ryerson
A new Centre for Free Expression, the first of its kind at a Canadian university, is coming to Ryerson.
College of the North Atlantic launches online diploma in journalism
In September 2015 the Stephenville, N.L., school will launch the third of its journalism program offerings: a one-year diploma administered by distance learning.
“As a journalist, you’re not a juror.” Betty Ann Adam on court reporting
The StarPhoenix reporter on 10 years of covering murder trials and court inquiries.
Case Studies Collection: the PMO, the Star, the Advance and the “whole off-the-record-thing”
An email from the prime minister’s office offered a story with strings attached. For two Ontario journalists, the conditions seemed unreasonable.
That time I took my class to cover the Luka Magnotta trial
In journalism, going into the field is both routine and expected. Why should student coverage of murder trials be any different?