Category / Labour
What freelance work looks like in Germany vs. Canada
For doctoral research on the working conditions of freelance journalists, Mirjam Gollmitzer conducted in-depth interviews with freelancers and interns across Germany.
Can today’s journalists do their duties?
Industry and economic changes are shaping journalists’ abilities to fulfill journalism’s democratic role.
Twitter account mocks low-paying jobs for freelance writers
Writer’s goal is to call out companies for terrible rates—and remind writers that they’re worth more than the miserly fees all too often offered for online writing.
The casual sexism of being a female journalist
FHRITP is only one example of the insidious sexism people face in the field.
CWA Canada releases project on media worker rights and labour reporting
Labour stories are getting lost. At least, that’s what research for the recently launched Media Works: A Labour Rights and Reporting Project has discovered.
Writer Scott Carney launches WordRates & PitchLab Kickstarter
WordRates & PitchLab aims to improve working conditions and rates for freelance writers.
Global safety recommendations fail to arm freelancers with necessary supports
American report does little to suggest attainable solutions to the industry’s financial woes.
Life on the Toronto Star’s new labour beat
As the Toronto Star’s new work and wealth reporter, Sara Mojtehedzadeh is one of a dwindling number of journalists dedicated to covering labour issues full-time.
More contract work and internships mean new journalists must learn their rights
As contract assignments and internships become more commonplace for newly minted journalists, workers more than ever need to know their rights.
(Dis)liking digital copyright demands
Freelance journalists use digital communications to organize a collective fight against rights-grabbing contracts.