Category / Commentary / Field Notes
When the founder of the Proud Boys came for me
Women journalists regularly suffer abuse and harassment online. When a terrorist organization targeted me, my usual response strategy was put to the test Continue Reading When the founder of the Proud Boys came for me
Being skeptical of sources is a journalist’s job – but it doesn’t always happen when those sources are the police
A tendency to go with the ‘police said’ narrative without outwardly questioning if it is right is a continuing failure of journalism Continue Reading Being skeptical of sources is a journalist’s job – but it doesn’t always happen when those sources are the police
Journalism, vicarious trauma and the view from Portapique
A year after covering a massacre, 13 months of a pandemic and managing the uncertainty around employment in the field has taken a toll, one I didn’t know I had signed up for as a local news reporter Continue Reading Journalism, vicarious trauma and the view from Portapique
Complete the Canada Press Freedom Project questionnaire
Your insights will help J-Source track press freedom violations and create tools that best serve media workers, organizations, students and researchers Continue Reading Complete the Canada Press Freedom Project questionnaire
Obits evolve with digital mourning
The professional craft of obituary writing has been disappearing with newspapers’ decline. But in the wake of public health crises, large scale commemorative projects are reviving the medium Continue Reading Obits evolve with digital mourning
Ideals versus practice: The complex roles of modern journalists
The Journalistic Role Performance project is examining the evolution of journalists’ practice during a period of deep disruption for news organizations Continue Reading Ideals versus practice: The complex roles of modern journalists
The evolution of mental health reporting standards
Across industry organizations, newsrooms and campus media, journalists are re-examining best practices on reporting on mental health and suicide Continue Reading The evolution of mental health reporting standards
Meet press freedom project researcher/reporter Collins Maina
Community-driven, multimedia journalist is working with J-Source to build a national resource for press freedom data and education Continue Reading Meet press freedom project researcher/reporter Collins Maina
Journalism jobs are precarious, financially insecure and require family support
Nearly all study participants had been laid off — in most cases, multiple times Continue Reading Journalism jobs are precarious, financially insecure and require family support
Suspending freedom of information cannot be made permanent
Canadian authorities have been using the pandemic to further slow access requests since last March. But transparency and essential rights are not something you can put on hold Continue Reading Suspending freedom of information cannot be made permanent