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Reporting in Indigenous Communities

Online 12 Constance Street, London, London, United Kingdom

Award-winning journalist and journalism educator Duncan McCue will offer five tips on how you can do a better job of reporting on Indigenous communities, including an interactive Q&A.

Big Voices

Online 12 Constance Street, London, London, United Kingdom

At a time when a range of voices and perspectives are available across multiple platforms, and a choice word or angle can be a landmine—setting off a barrage of online hate—what does it take to be a columnist and how has the role evolved in a fraught social media environment where attacks inordinately target women and racialized journalists?

The Walrus Talks at Home: Our Digital Lives


How has the pandemic changed the way we engage with media?
In honour of Media Literacy Week, MediaSmarts is encouraging Canadians to pause and reflect on the state of digital literacy and our media consumption.


The Great Canadian Magazine PitchFest

Online 12 Constance Street, London, London, United Kingdom

Like speed dating for magazine professionals, this two-part event offers freelancers practical training before sending them into a (virtual) room with editors of Canada’s best magazines for a chance to wow them with story ideas


2021 Webster Awards


An evening celebrating the best of journalism in British Columbia. See who the winners will be across 16 categories.


Toronto Stories Live


Join Myseum of Toronto for an evening of storytelling that explores overlooked, unseen, and forgotten stories in Toronto’s history.


Why We Started A Podcast Company In A Pandemic with Media Girlfriends

Online 12 Constance Street, London, London, United Kingdom

What does it mean to bet on yourself? That's what Hannah Sung, Garvia Bailey, and Nana aba Duncan did when they started Media Girlfriends, a podcast production company led by women of colour working towards more inclusion, diversity and perspectives in media.